Guiding Principles of AQCS Service Delivery Programs:
The primary goal of AQCS's programs is to provide services in the least restrictive environment possible that will help to preserve individuals and families and stabilize the home environment by minimizing the dysfunctional behaviors that could jeopardize the individual and/or family unit. The overall service is intended to improve functioning by clinically stabilizing the living arrangement, promoting reunification and preventing individuals from having to utilize higher levels of service, which require removal from the home.
Service List:
Psychiatric Treatment
Individual Counseling
Family Counseling
Group Counseling
Medication Management
Nursing Services
Peer Support Program
Play Therapy
Whole Health and Wellness Program

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Outpatient Program
Services and treatments are individual and family-centered to provide real and meaningful choices about their treatment options. Care must focus on increasing the person served the ability to successfully cope with life's challenges, on facilitating recovery and on building resilience, not just on managing symptoms.
To guide in establishing a practice that effectively operationalizes and supports a "team" approach for all adult behavioral health recipients that focuses on recovery and implements plans that are outcome-based and is consistent with Georgia's Principles of Person-Centered Planning and requirements for service delivery as propagated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) or individual insurance panels based on the insurance carrier.
Target Population
AQCS's Behavior Health Programs serves individuals living in the Northeast region who are 4 years or older in need of mental or behavioral health support services in the event that substance abuse services are needed AQCS provides services to individuals 13-99.
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Program
Intensive Outpatient services provide at least nine hours a week consisting of group based, nonresidential, intensive, structured interventions consisting primarily of counseling and education to improve symptoms that may significantly interfere with functioning in at least one life domain (e.g., familial, social, occupational, educational, etc.). Services are goal oriented interactions with the individual or in group/family settings. This community based service allows the individual to apply skills in "real world" environments. Such treatment may be offered during the day, before or after work or school, in the evening or on a weekend.
The services follow a defined set of policies and procedures or clinical protocols. The service also provides a coordinated set of individualized treatment services to persons who are able to function in a school, work, and home environment but are in need of treatment services beyond traditional outpatient programs as a result of an increased frequency of services at least nine hours per week. Treatment may appropriately be used to transition persons from higher levels of care or may be provided for persons at risk of being admitted to higher levels of care. The goals, frequency, and duration of outpatient treatment will vary according to individual needs and response to treatment.
Intensive Family Based
Services Program

IFBS provides intensive intervention for families in which a child is at imminent risk of removal from the home for reasons of abuse, neglect, or severe emotional disturbance. Our primary goal is prevention of out-of-home placements. In instances where children have been placed out of the home, our goal is to reunify them with their families. Family-Based Mental Health Services is an intensive, in-home, child-centered, family-focused approach to therapy designed to help children and adolescents and strengthen families. The primary goal of Family Based Services is to avert an "out of home" placement of children and to keep families intact.
Target Population
Families with Children who present with the following or families with individuals who are experiencing the following:
· Exhibit difficult behaviors
· Conflict with parents, school, community
· Are hyperactive or have anxieties or other emotional difficulties
· Have suffered the effects of past abuse or neglect
· Or families who need help with reunification

Partial Hospitalization Program
Partial Hospitalization is a nonresidential treatment program that is clinic-based located at 1807 Honey Creek Commons SE, Conyers, Georgia 30013. The program provides diagnostic and treatment services on a level of intensity designed to stabilize and minimize the need for inpatient treatment. These services include therapeutic milieu, nursing, psychiatric evaluation, medication management, group, individual, and family therapy. The environment at this level of treatment is highly structured, and there should be a staff-to-patient ratio sufficient to ensure necessary therapeutic services. Partial Hospitalization may be appropriate as a time-limited response to stabilize acute symptoms, transition (step-down from inpatient), or as a stand-alone service to maintain a deteriorating condition and avert Hospitalization.
Target Population
Adults 18 and older with severe and chronic mental health conditions and substance use disorders who are currently experiencing behaviors that present them with challenges of completing activities of daily living as well as decreased social functioning status.
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
Mood Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Adjustment Disorders
Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition Not Elsewhere Classified
The client is unable to maintain an adequate level of functioning outside the treatment program due to a mental health disorder as evidenced by:
Severe psychiatric symptoms
Inability to perform the activities of daily living
Failure of social/occupational functioning or failure and absence of social support resources.
Privacy Notice:
We will collect health information about you in order to provide you with services that match your needs. We will use and disclose that information in order to manage your health care and treatment, to obtain reimbursement for treatment, and to meet quality control and other government requirements. We will not disclose any personal information about you to anyone else without your prior approval and consent, except as permitted or required by law. You have the right to reasonably review and request corrections to confidential and non-confidential information about you that is held in our records. We restrict access to personal information about you to those who need to know that information to provide services to you. All employees and staff are required to comply with our established confidentiality procedures and policies. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your personal information.